Sunday, 19 August 2012

Fashion #3 - Style Aid 2012

Style Aid 2012

Style Aid is a charity ball that happens once a year in Perth, this year was it's 15th anniversary. They showcased 15 designers, i was pretty excited  being my first one i attended but i did not know the media pit was so far away from the runway. I didnt have my 70-200mm lens on me as i rented it out to a friend that was photographing Splendour In The Grass. I only had my 50mm on me which i was planning to do with my 5DMK II, but had to roll with the 18-55 plus the 1.4 crop increase on the 60D for me to get in close enough. Since i couldn't get any proper shots i went with really slow shutter speeds to capture these surreal images of models ghost walking, ended up cropping most of the images.

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